Sunday, August 25, 2019

Taj Maha

Taj Mahal 

ONE of The World's Famous Monument

The Taj Mahal is a queen of architecture. Other buildings might be famous, but no other is so consistently admired for a beauty that is seen as both feminine and regal.
The Taj Mahal simmers, a great poet said, "like a solitary tear suspended on the cheek of time." Created out of an Emperor's grief and love to honour the memory of his wife, this supreme triumph of human art has served to immortalize them both. It remains one of the most beautiful and famous stractures in the world.
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal

      The Taj Mahal -" Crown of the place" - was built by Emperor Shah Jahan for his favourite wife 'Mumtaz Mahal' who died given birth to their fourteenth child. He the fifth in the great dynasty of Mugals, a long line of Islamic rulers who held sway over large portions of parents-day India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan from the 1500s into the 1800s. Shah Jahan ruled at the hight of Mugals power, and his influence can still be seen throughout the reason today.
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal

      Now almost 400 years old, the Taj Mahal is visited by more than 5 millions people a year. They comes to India from around the world to marvel at its grace and splendor, it's shimmering domes rising above the city of Agara and the Yamuna River. But it is not only its beauty that makes the Taj Mahal extraordinary. It is also a testament to the engineering skills and craftsmanship of the time and place. The Taj Mahal originality and flawless design, and every inch of the building is adorned with intricate stone work and exquisite mosaics, all of them completed by hand. 

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